Distance: 4.5km
This route had a lovely mix of tree-lined roads, rivers and some unique ruins. The whole place had the feel of the old landed estates with gates and old walls popping up here and there.

Not surprising as we were skirting the grounds of Lionsden House, the home of Godwin Swifte who was the uncle and benefactor of Jonathan Swift. Rumour has it that he was a freemason, hence the pyramid. Fair balls to anyone who names their pad with such style.

We saw two impressive stone bridges that crossed the Boyne and the Blackwater rivers, which we learned was the start of the new Boyne Blueway trail. We strolled down the Longwood road which was lined with mature beech trees and very few houses. It was lovely, like walking through a leafy tunnel.

We took a sharp left towards Castlerickard graveyard through another wood-lined road with two houses on it. After taking a break for the CEO to take photos of poppies in meadows we crossed another bridge on the Blackwater again.

We turned left at the Swifte pyramid where Godwin is buried and headed back to our start, passing Castlerickard House which looked all deserted in the middle of cow pastures.

Animals: Cows, sheep, horses, ponies and a bird of prey which we heard screeching in the trees and finally saw above us as we walked through a wooded area. The canopy was too dense to make out what it was but it was as big as a buzzard and not shy about making noises. Deadly!
Humans: 1 x jogger. 1 x farmer cutting sticks and putting them into the back of a quad with the number-plate “Mad Mick” on it. 1 x EPA person doing science by collecting samples from the river.
Cars: 6
Negatives: every now and then a banger would go off scaring the bejaysus out of us. Also, we forgot to bring water with us.
Google Map Coordinates: 53.48520, -6.921176
Score: 8/10